New Series Starting This Month for Actors!

Virtual Workshop Series Speakers include:

  • Casting Directors

  • Acting/Career Coaches

  • Social Media Advisors

  • Executive & Creative Energy Healer

  • And More!


    Our first workshop will be with a casting director on 9.17.24. Participants will receive the full calendar of speakers, dates, & times once joining the email list. Sessions will primarily be on Mondays or Tuesday in the evening (Pacific Time).


    This is a virtual experience! Once signing up, you will receive a Zoom link that you will be able to access for every session.

    How much?

    These are FREE SESSIONS so take advantage! This is a great way to meet other artists in your community as well as meet professionals in the industry.

Financial Wellness for Artists with Tiffany Soricelli

Uncertainty in income can cast a shadow on your artistic journey, but here's the truth: you can rise above it. Tiffany is an award-winning financial advisor and owner of Virtuoso Asset Management LLC, the first Registered Investment Advisory firm in the country dedicated to serving Artists and Supporters of the Arts through financial planning and asset services. As a sought-after national speaker, Tiffany currently serves as the business and financial coach to emerging artists at the Metropolitan Opera, Houston Grand Opera, and many more.

Participants received: FREE one on one consultation and access to Tiffany for any additional questions, financial guides, trackers, and additional helpful documents

Brand Management and Social Media Advisory with Jaclyn B. Wood

Embark on a journey to amplify your artistic presence. In a digital age, mastering the art of social media marketing is crucial. Jaclyn is an actor/singer/dancer by night and social media specialist by day. Build out your personal brand, web design, strategy, and learn the ultimate casting connection tool at your fingertips!

Participants received: 10% off Audits and Branding Packages

Artistic Mastery Through Mindfulness with Tanya Griffiths

In a career where it's all too easy to feel adrift, searching for a sense of grounding, discover invaluable mindfulness techniques. Whether you're stepping into the audition room or navigating the bustling streets, these practices offer profound support. Elevate yourself amidst high-stress scenarios with the transformative power of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) methods. Under the guidance of Julie Chippendale, Tanya has been honored and fully engaged in continuing to teach the practice of mindfulness.

Participants received: FREE one on one session with Tanya

Unlock Your Artistic Potential: Career Mastery Workshop with Janel Koloski

Meet Janel Koloski: Your guide to working full time in the Fashiona nd Entertainment Industry.

Certified Life Coach, Actor, Model, Host, Producer, Podcast Co-Host & Humans Right Activist. Janel helps creatives build a career they love with sustainable income no survival jobs required). Transform your mindset and career.

Participants received: FREE 30 minute one on one session with Janel

Take Control of Technology with Olivia Ashton

Olivia Ashton is a photographer, technology guide, and teacher based in Portland, Oregon. She has dedicated the past five years to exploring, researching and developing UNDIVIDED; an online course and method that supports folks in healing cycles of phone addition, reclaiming their attention, and creating a more conscious relationship with their social media and overall devices. Take those new social media skills and put them to use on YOUR terms, minimizing feelings of comparison and taking back control of your relationship with social media.

Participants received: FREE one on one guidance from Olivia